Commodity futures modernization act of 2016 text

It looks like you've previously blocked notifications. Please update your browser permissions to allow them. She has accepted donations from Wall Street donors, and Sanders has not.

But at the Democratic debate in Charleston Sunday night, Clinton unearthed a part of Sanders' record on Wall Street regulations that seems -- at least at the outset -- to complicate his claim of being a crusader for more, rather than less regulation.

The Clintons and Wall Street: 24 Years of Enriching Each Other

Specifically, she noted that Sanders voted in favor of The Commodity Futures Modernization Act in But here's what she didn't say: Not only did President Bill Clinton sign that bill into law, but key officials in his administration were also credited with helping to craft it.

The Sunlight Foundation, as part of their "Read the Bill" effort to demystify the legislative process explained it this way: Leading the charge in Congress were Sens.

Phil Gramm R-TX and Richard Lugar R-IN and Rep. In May of , Rep. Ewing introduced his Commodity Futures Modernization Act.

Gramm desired stricter deregulatory language be inserted into the bill. Gramm opposed any language that could provide the SEC or the CFTC with any hope of authority in regulating or oversight of financial derivatives and swaps.

The final version of the bill included stronger deregulatory language, but it isn't clear whether many lawmakers knew that it was in there. This was around the time that the country was embroiled in a contentious presidential vote recount in Florida. The CFMA made its way through Congress on the back of a must-pass, 11,page bill to fund the government that year. This is where Sanders comes in, he joined a majority of Democrats and Republicans in approving the omnibus bill, which was signed into law by Bill Clinton.

Bill Clinton has since said that he regrets that decision.

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Six Steps Trump Can Take Toward Better Monetary Policy | Zero Hedge

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Turn on desktop notifications? Accessibility for screenreader Home Page U. Share on Google Plus. Be the first to know about new stories from PowerPost. Hillary Clinton attacked Bernie Sanders for voting for a bill her husband signed into law. By Abby Phillip By Abby Phillip January 18, Follow abbydphillip. Democratic presidential candidate, Sen. The story must be told. Abby Phillip is a national political reporter covering the White House for The Washington Post. She can be reached at abby.

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Text - H.R - th Congress (): Commodity Futures Modernization Act of | | Library of Congress

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