Forex mmcis group review

Forex mmcis group review

Author: vano_ov On: 11.06.2017

Despite the fact that I and everyone who remained loyal to the company wanted everything to be different, we were forced to take this step, due to the fact that the company ran out of resources for technical provision of its work.

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We simply have no money to fund customer support department as well as technical and financial departments, because the company hasn't received any income for several months already, and its own money has been fully spent during this time.

The lion's share of our company's assets has been simply taken and embezzled by the third parties.

In fact, companies such as "Dengi Online" simply stole the money of our clients and disabled our work. In this situation we have no choice but to transfer the proceedings on this matter to law enforcement authorities and court. We did everything we could to recover the seized money, but now we can say that without the help of law enforcement officers we'll fail.

Forex mmcis group

We will inform all customers in a newsfeed on this page and also in our official groups in social networks about the line of investigation and our every step taken to return the seized funds. Today, along with this statement, I publish the statement we've submitted to the General Prosecutor Office and its number.

This statement is our struggle - the struggle for truth and justice!

forex mmcis group review

I ask each of You to join this struggle and to provide to the investigation evidence that You have on hand. The more payment receipts in this case we provide, the easier it will be to return the seized funds. As soon as the seized funds will be returned to the company, we will transfer them to You, besides, as I wrote earlier, using the procedure "chargeback" You can return the money directly to your account.

Due to the fact that currently MMCIS has no sufficient funds to pay under its obligations, the company starts bankruptcy proceedings. We will also inform You on this website about the bankruptcy proceedings. We also plan to apply to the court for reimbursement of financial losses and returning of stolen assets.

We will also keep you informed about the trial process. Strategically, we plan to resume the Company's activity anyways. We hope that this will happen after the law enforcement helps us return the seized money.

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In addition, we will work on parallel steps aimed at finding refinancing and at selling the company, which will allow us to meet our obligations to creditors. Now there are many provocations and untruths around our company, in connection with that I want to say that our company has always been working honestly!

Company's management and employees haven't assigned customers' funds and haven't broken the law. All the money under the company's control have been paid back to people or stolen by intermediaries.

I have been monitoring all the aspects of the company's activity, including financial ones, that's why I am ready to personally confirm the honesty of my employees and be in charge of everything going on in the company.

I declare that the company has suspended its work solely because of the criminal acts of the third parties, which first arranged the PR attacks against the company, and then seized its money, theoretically depriving the company of the opportunity to continue its work. We have all the information and documents that confirm the facts of capturing customers' funds.

The truth stands for us - we did not break the law, and therefore, it's just the matter of time when everything will fall into places and everyone will see the true state of affairs. All the evidence that we have will be transferred to the law enforcements. We will wait for their verdict on the situation around the company.


I am truly sorry for what has happened. I'm sorry that this situation has created many difficulties to people, but I still believe that we will overcome this and MMCIS will reborn.

We are grateful to everyone who believed in our company, and those who continue to believe in it. We are grateful to all of our employees who have honestly worked for company's good for many years and lived for it. God knows that we pledged only positive goals to MMCIS and we worked honestly. With best regards and respect to you, President of FOREX MMCIS group Roman Komysa.

New facts in the case of embezzlement of funds of MMCIS customers by the payment system Dengi Online have been submitted to the General Prosecutor Off.

The General Prosecutor Office of the Russian Federation took cognizance of the FOREX MMCIS group Statement. Application to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation from MMCIS inc, ID STATEMENT FROM THE PRESIDENT Dear customers!

Today it is very difficult for me, but I have to make this statement. THE MMCIS COMPANY SUSPENDS ITS WORK!

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