Global trading system pokemon x and y

Global trading system pokemon x and y

Author: lovgore On: 16.06.2017

See what your amazing new adventure has in store! When you look closely at the main character's left arm, you'll notice a bracelet called the Mega Ring.

You will be able to encounter Mewtwo inside the Unknown Dungeon after you enter the Hall of Fame. If you succeed in catching Mewtwo, you will immediately be able to receive the Mega Stone that enables Mewtwo to Mega Evolve. You'll connect to other players nearby or around the world through the Internet. You can even communicate with players you've never had any contact with before.

All you need to do to communicate with other players on the PSS is to tap their icons. Then you can easily choose to trade or battle with them. That's not all the PSS can do, so look forward to more info on this exciting feature in the future! You're always connected to the world with the PSS!

You can connect not only to players nearby, but also to players all around the world. But as you'll see, there's much more to the PSS! Ice-type moves and Dragon-type moves. The new Fairy type changes the balance in a big way!

But if you don't have any moves that can attack multiple targets at once, you may be in for a rough time. Seek out opposing Trainers standing high on cliffs or in other distant places. You'll need to play with them over and over to learn their preferred way of being cared for.

Treat them well to make them feel loved. Treat them badly, and they may show their displeasure! If you pet them in their favorite spots, you will be able to improve the trust and affection you share. There are many possibilities, such as smiling, winking, or tilting your head to the side. If you want to evolve Eevee into Sylveon, you first have to work to make sure that Eevee is very affectionate toward you as a Trainer.

There are three kinds of minigames. In this minigame, the pieces of a picture have been randomly rearranged, and you need to swap them around to make the picture whole again. The faster you complete the puzzle, the better your score! When they visit, they may bring gifts. More visitors may come to visit if you decorate your space with wonderful furnishings and wallpapers. You can change not only your clothes, but also your hat, shoes, and accessories! There are all kinds of preset styles ready for you, too.

There are boutiques in many of the cities you visit, and each has its own individual style. Find your favorite hair and clothing combinations and show them off for the world to see!

After you choose a style, visit the PR Video Studio.

This facility will let you make a promotional video that reflects your style, called a Trainer PR Video! Choose your expressions, poses, background music, camera angles, and more to create a unique video! You can use a recommended style to make a video in moments, or make a video based on your preferences, with every second specially crafted. Connect across the World with the PSS! However, Mega Evolution is a different kind of Evolution, one that surpasses that limit.

Mega Evolution is described as an Evolution beyond all Evolution, a transformation found only in the Kalos region. One of those conditions is a special item called a Mega Stone. Other things are needed for Mega Evolution to succeed, and those secrets will be explained later! Some of the many Mega Stones seem to be hidden in secret places in the Kalos region. Many of these only become available after you have entered the Hall of Fame. Check out how to obtain the Mega Stones that can only be found after you enter the Hall of Fame.

Two Mega Stones to Mega Evolve Mewtwo! Power Up the Mega Ring If you challenge the Battle Maison in Kiloude City, which becomes accessible after you enter the Hall of Fame, you will then be able to battle Serena or Calem once more.

Tips: get more out of your trades in Pokemon X and Y

After battling your friendly rival, head to Anistar City, where Professor Sycamore is waiting. After the professor tells you a bit about Mega Stones, get his help in powering up your Mega Ring.

Mega Stones at Special Times After you power up your Mega Ring, the Mega Stones scattered around the Kalos region will respond to your ring and glitter for a brief time between 8: Investigate any areas you see sparkling, and you will be able to obtain a Mega Stone.

Mega Stones from People You can receive some Mega Stones from other characters in the game. The Ralts that Diantha trades you holds the Gardevoirite needed to Mega Evolve Gardevoir into Mega Gardevoir. You can raise the base stat that you want to increase by clearing the stage of the stat.

There are training bags for each of the six stats. The meter on the right side of the screen illustrates that limit. Each stat, such as HP and Attack, has its own effect on battle, as described below. Holo Caster Use the Holo Caster to get messages from people far away, such as your four friends or the professor. Use StreetPass on Your Holo Caster! You can also get reports about the people you have passed by using StreetPass on your Holo Caster.

You can get the most up-to-date information using StreetPass or your Internet connection, even when you aren't playing the game or when you have your system in Sleep Mode. Battle Spot With Battle Spot, you can use your Internet connection to battle with players from around the world.

Compete in casual Free Battles for everyday challenges, or take on tougher Rating Battles to see how you rank against the competition! If a matching partner can be found anywhere around the world, your trade will be completed.

O-Powers O-Powers are special powers that will help you progress through your adventure. These O-Powers come in many forms. Still others may increase the Exp. Points or prize money you get from battle.

Offer O-Powers to Other Trainers!

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The useful effects of your O-Powers are not just for you—you can also offer them to other Trainers around you so they can benefit from them, too. If a nearby player uses an O-Power, it will be displayed through your PSS, and you'll be able to use that O-Power yourself! Share O-Powers with Friends! You can also specifically choose another Trainer and choose which O-Power to use on him or her. Now you can work together with players from anywhere to help succeed in your adventures!

Shout-Outs The Shout-Out function lets you share your feelings and accomplishments with other players. Your Shout-Out will be displayed to other players who are nearby or connected to the Internet.

Battle Anywhere with Anyone! Battle against players all over the world via the Internet or face off against friends nearby via the PSS! PSS battles let you set up a handicap before battling. This is a way to level the field before battles between players of different skill levels.

Take beautiful photos of these fantastic views. And just like a real camera, you'll be able to adjust the aperture, shutter speed, brightness, and other features to dial in the perfect shot! The All-New Fairy Type! New Ways to Battle! Tile Puzzle In this minigame, the pieces of a picture have been randomly rearranged, and you need to swap them around to make the picture whole again. Stay Stylish on Your Journey! Trainer PR Videos After you choose a style, visit the PR Video Studio.

Trade Vivillon Trade Vivillon with players around the world via the PSS, and enjoy the fun of collecting as many different patterns as you can!

The PGL illustrates these trades by showing how many times Vivillon have traveled around the earth. This calculation is based on the cumulative distance between the regions of every pair of players trading Vivillon in the Global Trade Station. A Grand Time at the Battle Chateau! Enjoy battles against a lot of Trainers in the Battle Chateau. Keep winning in the Battle Chateau to achieve a higher rank in the nobility. As you achieve higher and higher ranks, you may receive different items.

The Battle Maison After you enter the Hall of Fame, Kiloude City opens to your exploration. Win your way through these battles, and you will obtain Battle Points that can be exchanged at the Battle Maison for items.

If you continue to win, you can also battle the Battle Chatelaine sisters, four powerful Trainers. Getting to Kiloude City After you enter the Hall of Fame, visit Lumiose City to find Professor Sycamore waiting for you.

global trading system pokemon x and y

Talk to the professor to obtain a TMV Pass, which will allow you to ride the super high-speed rail that goes to Kiloude City: Kiloude City is in the south of the Kalos region. Jump on the TMV in Lumiose City at once and head for Kiloude City! Win to Earn Battle Points! At the Battle Maison, you can choose to challenge one of five different battle formats: Single Battle, Double Battle, Triple Battle, Rotation Battle, and Multi Battle.

You'll battle the Trainers that appear one after another in the format you choose. If you manage to win 20 times in a row in any of the formats, you will then be able to challenge the Super Battle formats, where you will face even tougher Trainers. Exchange Battle Points The Battle Points that you earn at the Battle Maison can be exchanged for items and TMs that will aid you in battle. Use these well and make your battle preparations masterfully effective!

Battle Chatelaine Sisters Win many battles in a row in each battle format, and battles with the four Battle Chatelaine sisters may begin! Each one of these four sisters possesses a strength on par with the Champion! In the Multi Battle format, you will face Dana and Evelyn together, while in the Super Multi Battle format, you will take on Morgan and Nita.

Friend Safari In Kiloude City, you'll also find another facility, the Friend Safari. In the Friend Safari, you will be able to play in the safaris of any Friends you have registered using friend codes.

Reach out to your friends and register as many friend codes as you can! If your Friend enters the Hall of Fame after you exchange friend codes, that safari will be upgraded as long as you are both connected to the PSS.

Do your best to enter the Hall of Fame and power up your Friend Safari for your Friends! The Battle Institute Hone your battling skills at the Battle Institute!

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At this facility, you can participate in Battle Tests, in which you battle against five other Trainers and then have your skills evaluated. In order to earn a high ranking, it is not enough just to win your battles.

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